Meet Heather Hart

Meet Heather Hart, WCCP Alto 1

Tell us what you're passionate about.

        “Everything I am most passionate about involves being present, connecting with and exchanging time and energy with others.  I am most passionate about my family, my marriage and raising my kids.   I am very passionate about working with the human body.  I very much enjoy learning from my clients, educating them  about their own body , how it operates (with respect to soft tissue and bodywork) as well as teaching and always being taught Brazilian Jiu Jitsu”

What is your profession?

        “Foremost I am a Bodyworker and Licensed Massage Therapist.  I'm continuously fascinated by the power of therapeutic bodywork and its ability to facilitate healing.  I am co owner/operator  and instructor in our family business, Hart Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Boxing in Conshohocken.  Mostly I help people understand more about their bodies, mechanically for exercise, therapeutically for bodywork, and technically for BJJ. Also, janitorial duties, book keeping and accounting, scheduler, marketing email composer, fire putter outer.”

Have a hobby?

  “Singing, drawing, guitar playing, hiking, beach-bum, biking, ”

What do you consider your most notable achievements? 

     “Laundry?  (It’s funny ‘cause it’s true).  Child rearing. Running our business. Achieving a Brown Belt in BJJ.  Practicing over 25,000 hours of bodywork.”

Do you have a charity suggestion we can keep in mind?

Brain and Behavior Research Foundation

Skills, services, goods available to other in WCCP?

"Brute strength, Bodywork, Mobility tips,  Gracie Self Defense."

Favorite book? 
Right now:  No Mud No Lotus,   Thich Nhat Hanh     
Historically:  Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom. 
Professionally: Breathe: Dr Belisa Lozano-Vranich and The Balance Body, Jason Kelly


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