Meet Judith Glotz

Meet Judith Glotz, WCCP Soprano 1

Tell us what you're passionate about.

"I am most passionate about music (shocker!), education, human rights and issues of equality, languages, traveling, and sharing experiences, knowledge, and love with others around the world!"

What is your occupation/profession?

"For the past 5 years I have taught instrumental music (orchestra) in the School District of Philadelphia. However, I'm currently living in Israel where I'm teaching English as a Foreign Language at an elementary school in Mitzpe Ramon! My dream is to get a Ph.D. in International Education Development and work to build schools in developing countries."

Have a hobby?

"So, I'm super nerdy but I love birdwatching! Ever since I was a kid, being out in nature has been my therapy, and identifying bird species based on their songs is like a fun challenge. In fact, this past year I helped organize a "Junior Birders Club" and "Ornithology 101" class at my local Nature Center."

What do you consider your most notable achievements? 

"Musically I am most proud of having performed as a soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra (my first appearance was at age 16), going on tour to 5 countries, and receiving coaching from the Tokyo String Quartet when I played cello with a trio. Otherwise, I am proud to have received my Master's Degree from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education while simultaneously teaching full-time. And I guess moving to Israel for a year to teach is a pretty big deal."

Do you have a charity suggestion we can keep in mind?

"Many people don't realize the sacrifices teachers in the School District of Philadelphia make every day in order to provide our students with a quality education. At the beginning of this school year, I spent over $1,000 of my own savings to purchase CHAIRS for my students to sit on, in addition to copy paper, instruments, music, etc. It would be great if we could consider supporting music education in Philadelphia. Music teachers need instruments, music, stands, and other equipment that the schools are unable to provide. Just a thought :) If that's too specific, providing a scholarship to a student to study music or attend a summer music program would be lovely!"

Skills, services, goods available to other in WCCP?

"I teach voice and cello privately on the side! I also speak German and a little Khmer (and will know Hebrew and Arabic when I return next year) and would be happy to provide language classes for anyone who is interested!"

Favorite book? 

"I still LOVE the Harry Potter series. I grew up with those books and have always felt like I was part of the story. I have also just gotten into the Game of Thrones series. I'm only on book 4, so no spoilers, please! Otherwise, I love autobiographical books about the refugee experience or international topics, such as The Lightless Sky by Gulwali Passarlay or I Will Always Write Back by Martin Ganda and Caitlin Alifrenka.

If you're interested in creating your own blog, leave it here. Include perhaps website, fb pages, other.

"I would be happy to write a blog! I will also be blogging throughout my year in Israel (site TBA) and I post a lot on Facebook HERE and Instagram (judithgoltz)."


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