Meet Graham Bier

Meet Graham Bier, WCCP Bass 2

What are you passionate about?

“Music, of course. Love and goodwill. The environment and nature.”

What is your occupation?

“Singer/Conductor/Teacher in roughly that order. I make my reliable income on the middle one, which also includes a truckload of admin.”

Do you have a hobby?

“Rather concerningly, my hobby is also music. I also like outdoorsy stuff: hiking/camping, biking. Used to play soccer, still would if I wasn't so lazy. Oh, and I'm obsessed with sci-fi/fantasy: books first, but TV/movie also.”

What do you consider your most notable achievement(s)?

“When I was ten years old, I captured the second-largest specimen within a particular species of Pennsylvania freshwater cave shrimp. It resides in the collection at the Smithsonian. Also, some musical stuff. Probably tops for quality was singing a concert with I Fagiolini on Czech natl. TV, but for sheer intrigue, it was performing Striggio's 60-part mass in the Basilica San Lorenzo in Florence as a part of an exclusive Martin Randall tour. Very lucky to have been hired for that. Conducting for a sold-out concert in the Shanghai Oriental Arts Center was a pretty heady experience too.”

What skills, services or goods can you offer to others in WCCP?

"I'm probably a pretty good guy to know in the event of the collapse of western civilization."

Favorite Book?

"Sophie's World – Gaarder"



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