Meet Brittany Segal

Meet Brittany Segal, WCCP Alto 1

Tell us what you're passionate about.

“My family. The best feeling in the world is a hug from my little girl!”

What is your occupation/profession?

“I work for Aetna as an underwriter for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan (FEHBP). Essentially, my team sets the premium/rates for the plans that Aetna offers to the Feds. My major responsibilities, however, consist of managing our audits with the Office of Inspector General, which can span several months to several years.”

Have a hobby?

“Singing (obviously), reading, walking my dog, baking, exercising (I love barre and pilates)! I am also a big history nerd (my degree is in history). I love learning about 20th century history and I find all science topics fascinating.”

What do you consider your most notable achievements? 

“I work hard to treat others how I want to be treated. I work hard in my career to earn respect and learn from my mistakes. I also helped bring a major fundraiser to my college during my senior year - Up 'Til Dawn - with St. Jude's Children's Hospital. I was in charge of PR and general planning. We had a great first year!”

Do you have a charity suggestion we can keep in mind?

“The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (
 Blink Now -”

Skills, services, goods available to other in WCCP?

“I'm happy to help with working with the charities we select and/or look into some fundraising ideas to incorporate into our concerts. I'd also like to bake more for our practices!”

Favorite book? 

“The Harry Potter series (I'm currently listening to it in my car - best stress reliever)! The Time Traveler's Wife, The Art of Racing in the Rain And so many more...”


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