Meet Laurie Coleman
Meet Laurie Coleman, WCCP Alto 1
Tell us what you're passionate about.
Hmm... I love children; mine, yours, all of them! You might know
this about me, but I am a nurturer. I believe if children (well really people)
know they are loved, believe that love matters; that they can do anything! Our
world needs children, who become adults who want to spread love. And then
there's WCCP. Talk about spreading love!! "Do work that you are proud of
with your talented friends." Amy Poehler said that; I'm sure she was
talking about us. "The energy of love is just like the sun." That was
Don Miguel Ruiz. I feel warmed and humbled every time I am with you all.
What is your occupation/profession?
I am an elementary school teacher in Central Bucks. From my
first class (Scott Henley) to my most recent one, kids teach me everyday. I
have taught children in 3,4,5 and 6th grades, but am currently teaching 3rd. I
have to say these 8 and 9 year olds are special peeps.
Have a hobby?
I love to bake, walk with friends, read just about anything,
play volleyball with my family, find new hobbies.
What do you consider your most notable achievements?
I am super proud of my children, Andrew, Ryan, Jayce and Julie!
They are all pretty cool, unique adults. I'm going to stop there because I'll
just get too mushy if I keep going!
Do you have a charity suggestion we can keep in mind?
I have many global charities I love. Locally, I am currently
supporting my niece who helping run Pennsbury High School's Mini THON. It is a
dance marathon supporting the Four Diamond Foundation to fight childhood cancer
Favorite book
I have rarely met a book I didn't love. Favorites are always
hard for me. My most recent favorite children's book (that adults enjoy too) is
Wonder, by RJ Palladio. Great messages.
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